Less admin,
more visits

Meet Remy, your AI assistant for real estate, designed to keep you organized and save time.

Green checkmark
Works with headphones and in the car
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GDPR compliant
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Apple and Android compatible

Never Take Notes Again

Transform your conversation into notes

Remy takes notes during your professional calls so you don’t have to.
Remy taking notes image

Instantly Recall Past Conversations

Remy automatically generates summaries, so you never miss important details or next steps.
Example of a post call summary from the app
Example messages from the product

In the Office,
Or on the Go,
RemyAI Just Works

Connect via Bluetooth, inside your car, on your bike... 
never worry about taking notes on the go again!
Google Play Store image link to appApple App Store

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We’ve got your back

A telephone

Stay Connected,
Keep It Private

Get a dedicated business number to keep your personal line separate, no matter how many calls you take.

Handshake icon

Stay Secure,
Build Trust

Built-in end-to-end encryption ensures your calls stay confidential and GDPR compliant for all your clients.

Euro icon

Work Smarter,
Close More

Let Remy handle the admin—summarizing calls and suggesting actions—so you can focus on building relationships.

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This helps me to never forget a thing...today I know I’m losing critical information but I don’t know where.

IAD Agent

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This is an extraordinary time saver...this could potentially allow me to make one more visit a day. One more visit could mean one more mandate.

Brokerage Owner